“The Double Dream of Spring” by Giorgio De Chirico – 1915


Giorgio De Chirico was an Italian painter born in Greece. He lived from 1888-1978 and he painted this artwork in 1915. De Chirico is known mainly for his role in the Surrealist movement. Many surrealist paintings aimed to reveal the unconscious using the juxtaposition of very different objects or images (Webster definition of Surrealism).

Aspects of surrealism can be seen from the many different objects inside the painting that appear almost randomly. Looking at the title of the painting, the double dream is probably referring to the two landscapes within the painting. The outer landscape is the setting outside of what appears to be a sketch of another landscape. On the outer landscape, there is a noticeably large statue on the left. The statue is facing away from the viewer of the painting and looks as if it’s looking towards the cloudy, blue sky. On the right side of the painting, there appears to be two people standing still with a mountain in the background. There is also something like a red balloon protruding past the building, hovering over them. The left and right side of the outer landscape is very different. The large wooden beam holding the sketch serves as if it is dividing the outer landscape into two different scenes. Looking at the sketch, something very noticeable is the large figure in the back. That figure looks like it’s the same large statue that is on the left of the outer landscape. From that viewpoint, it’s possible that the sketch may have been made as the sketcher was looking out towards the outer landscape from somewhere close. The sketcher could have been staring outside the window of his home when he saw the large figure and train in the background. That may explain why there is a table with a drinking cup on it. There’s also a building in the background on the right side with two people standing in front of it. It’s interesting that there is two people standing in the same position in both landscapes. The inner sketch could actually just be an industrialized version of the outer landscape because the mountain behind the two people changes into a building in the sketch. There’s also the train in the sketch, which is a symbol of industrialization.

The various objects in this work reflect the aesthetic preferences associated with Modernism. The scenery in both landscapes appear very modern. There are industrial objects throughout such as the train and buildings. The juxtaposition of the different objects such as the mountain behind the two people and the building behind the two people in the sketch is a reflection of surrealist thoughts. The painting shows that in the painter’s unconscious, he was slowly witnessing the effects of industrialization. The outer landscape is slowly transforming into the inner landscape within the sketch.

I encountered this work near a bunch of De Chirico’s other paintings. All of them were within the same time period of 1910-1920. I was drawn to all his paintings on display because they had very modern backgrounds with unique colors. There were industrial looking structures in all three of the ones I saw. They were very pleasing to my eyes.

3 thoughts on ““The Double Dream of Spring” by Giorgio De Chirico – 1915

  1. Chris, This is an interesting and mysterious work – as is clear from the varying interpretations offered by you and your classmates. I had to go to another image of the painting to see the figures of the two people on the right. You’ve done a nice job of describing what we see and the questions it raises. I am interested in the static quality of the image. No one is moving. I wonder how that might connect to the theme of industrialization that you see in the painting. If industrialization is indeed here, it is here juxtaposed with both nature and art. How are the three related? As I said in an earlier comment, I also love the whole painting of a painting quality – you have made interesting suggestions about the connection between the sketch on the easel and the painting it is contained in. Nice work!

  2. Chris this piece is very interesting. I was actually very confused when I first saw this picture but after reading your analysis of the art it is more clear to me what this piece is about.

  3. For me this piece is intriguing because it has an unfinished canvas at the center of the painting. This is an aspect of Modernism, leaving things unfinished. I wrote an analysis about this piece and pointed out how to me, it arises a feeling of isolation. There are no animate figures displayed in this painting and that, to me, shows how distant and disconnected the artist might have seen people to be.

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