Zeus is trying to hide Thetis from Hera because he knows that she will throw a fit. However, Hera found out and she lost her nerve. The gods was about to have a feast so Hephaestus said “Mother, please, I don’t have to tell you, You have to be pleasant to our father Zeus So he won’t be angry and ruin our feast.” (Homer, Book 1-610). It looks like that Zeus is afraid of Hera and the irony is everyone is afraid of Zeus. This gives me a picture of a father and a mother having a quarrel and the child is trying to mediate the situation.
How could Zeus have a small problem like this if he if the top dog? I wonder where he consul for advice if he is able to do everything with all his might. I do believe that everyone has a match as Zeus found his match, which is Hera. This shows that Zeus is not perfect at all.
This part really standout for me. We have been speaking that women is just an object or a possession. The woman needs to be protected because of honor. Man does not want anybody to touch his property. It seems like woman does not have any say and they are being pass around like a piece of object or a prize. In contradiction, in Zeus household Hera has a say on everything Zeus does. I do think that most of Zeus decision in the book comes from Hera.