Childhood Toy

The Barbie Princess Charm School play set was gifted to my sister and I in 2011. At first, we both would get mad when relatives would give us the same toys but we would later on be happy about it. It’s special to me now because this was the toy we would play together and occasionally my brother as well (we had a Ken Doll). Now that we’re older we don’t play but it’s rare when we’re all together in the same room so it’s a memory of us that I truly hold.

Useless Product

My partner and I created, “Spafk” in class. It was made up of a spatula, knife and fork. On the top it had the fork and tip of the knife. The handle had the edges of the knife and the end was the spatula. It was still very usable even though we made it kind of dangerous. By reflecting, and trying to make this product even more useless was making this product have a spring has the handle. Inside could have the root/point of the fork. The head of the spatula is made out of brick and a drawn out know would be attached the brick.