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To Spot Fake News: Professional fact-checkers and a professor of communications offer tips for checking out stories that you suspect are fake.

To Determine Whether or Not a News Outlet is Reliable:

To Fact Check Statements Made by Politicians and Other Officials:

  • FactCheck.org: Run by he Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania, this non-profit organization monitors the accuracy of statements made by U.S. politicians in speeches, television ads, debates, interviews and other public interactions.
  • PolitiFact: This site, which is run by the Poynter Institute for Media Studies, has been evaluating politicians’ statements since 2007. Each statement is researched by staffers and ranked on the “truth-o-meter,” which ranges from “Pants on Fire” to “True.” Read about PolitiFact’s research process here and also check out their sister site, PunditFact.