Tag Archives: female targets

N.F.L.’s Official Air Freshener Aims at Female Fans, and the Cleanup

N.F.L. Febreze Commercial

This New York Times article is about market segmentation in which women are the targeted viewers. Febreze is an official sponsor for the NFL, therefore they use their commercial time to sell their product to women showing a video of a group of men who are watching a football game in lady’s house. The commercial shows the mess and stench the guys leave behind and give the solution of Febreze that will get rid of the unpleasant smells.

“Earlier today your living room was game day central — a place for friends, family and your husband’s trademark victory dance,” says a voiceover, as attendees are seen celebrating. “Now the crowd is gone and all that remains is the stink. But you’re ready, because Febreze Air Effects cleans away tough game-day odors in the air — sweat socks, chicken wings, garlic dip — and leaves a light, fresh scent.”

The commercial is a clever one to make women turn to this product even though the NFL is mostly viewed by a male audience because apparently there is a stereotype that women don’t like football. “Scott Beal, brand manager for Febreze, said the line of air and fabric fresheners was directed at women, especially mothers, and that the brand ‘reaches our core consumer in a contextually relevant way’ through the N.F.L.

This the link of the video: N.F.L. Febreze Commercial

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