Tag Archives: Homosexual Warning

Homosexual Warning

In society people often find homosexual behavior neither healthy nor normal.  Homosexuality is like an alternative lifestyle for some people. The link “Homosexual Warning Video“, it finds the homosexual behavior often see in society as psychological disorder. Based on some people it is a mental illness which is invisible. According to this video, we can see that homosexuality can arise varies factor in the society if people are not concern about it. Such as: boys who are not aware of what is homosexual are about? There fore it is necessary to warn the kids or boys about homosexuality. People with homosexuality often try to take an advantage from kids. So it is necessary to be careful from strangers. Because there is danger which can involve anytime to anybody’s life.

The reason I choose that video, because it gives an idea that since past, homosexuality in society is not acceptable. People always see this with a negative attitude. People are always debating on this.  People even in the past were having a homophobia therefore they were trying to make attention toward young kids to be aware of “what is homosexual about”? If we compare with today’s society, we will see many family and parents are arias a fear of the kids of being homo. For example: As we discussed in the class that many homo sexual family’s kids often suffering with this homophobia stress, even though they don’t feel like to be in homosexual relationship.


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