Tag Archives: Social Media

Social Media and Conventional Interactions

In a New York Times article, the Boston Public Health Commission argues that changing your Facebook status to single before telling your ex-parent is not healthy. The fact that a whole convention was held on such topics seems ridiculous to me. The health commission argues that before posting a single status, ex-partners should come to an agreement to break up and stay informed. This is not a social media phenomenon, people have moved on to new partners or been over there old one before letting them know way before social media was invented. Social media is now just a visible extension. Anyway, how did they really come to the conclusion that breaking up in person is more “healthy” than doing over the internet. In person, there may be a chance for a physical altercation or less chance for one person to get their opinions out if they are not well spoken. Of course, there are pros and cons of the internet and social media specifically, but I am not sure the issues covered by the convention are those that deserve such attention. If parents and families foster environments of encouraged communication and interaction I believe there would be less impersonal interactions among peers. If parents spend all night on their blackberry and laptop, it sets an example for teens on how they should conduct their relationships with others.

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