Fast Statistics

Information provided below was taken from the data base

How frequently do you visit quick service restaurants?

According to the November 2013 survey by Deloitte, 83 percent of U.S. consumers visited a fast food restaurant at least once a week and 14 percent visited four times a week or more.


United States; Deloitte; November 28 to December 9, 2013; 1,487 Respondents; 22 years and older; visited a fast service* restaurant at least four times or a casual dining restaurant at least twice in the 30 days before taking the survey.

Which global fast food chain has the best healthy/health conscious food?

This statistic shows the global fast food chains with the best healthy food according to consumers in the United States as of August 2014. During the survey, 19 percent of respondents selected Subway, making it the fast food chain with the best healthy food in the U.S.

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United States; August 27 to September 16, 2014; 1,162 Respondents; 18 years and older.

In a 2013 market breakdown of fast food brands in the United States, Doctor’s Associates (Subway’s parent company) ranked third with a market share of 6.7 percent.

Market share of leading brands in the United States fast food industry in 2013


United States; IBISWorld; 2013; Market share figures are based on total domestic franchised and company-owned gross system-wide revenue.

The top five brands account for just under half of the entire U.S. fast food industry, which, in 2013, generated over 191 billion U.S. dollars in revenue. This revenue was forecasted to rise above 210 billion dollars in 2018.

Portion distortion over the last 20 years in the U.S. for selected foods 2011

This statistic represents the portion distortion over the last 20 years in the United States for selected foods, as of 2011. In comparison to twenty years ago an increase in calories can be observed for all selected foods. In most cases, this is due to increasing sizes of the average food portions. The calories growth for chicken stir fry amounted to 430 additional calories in 2011, compared to twenty years ago.

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Coffee : 20 years ago: 8 ounce with while milk & sugar (45 cal),
today: 16 ounce with steamed milk & syrup (350 cal.).
Muffin: 20 years ago: 1.5 ounce serving size (110 cal.),
today: 4 ounce serving size (500 cal.).
Pepperoni pizza: 20 years ago: 2 slices (500 cal.),
today: 2 slices (850 cal.).
Chicken caesar salad: 20 years ago: 1.5 cup serving size(390 cal),
today: 3.5 cup serving size (790 cal.).
Popcorn: 20 years ago: 5 cup serving size (270 cal.),
today: 11 cup serving size (630 cal.).
Chicken stir fry: 20 years ago: 2 cup serving size (435 cal.);
today: 4.5 cup serving size (865 cal).


The portion sizes in fast food restaurants are a major contributor to obesity !!!

Prevalence of obesity among adults aged 20 and over in the U.S. from 1997 to 2014


United States; NCHS (National Health Interview Survey); Around 35’000 households; 20 years and older .

Global obesity therapy market value in 2012 and 2022 (in million U.S. dollars)

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This statistic shows the value of the global obesity therapy market in 2012 and a projection for 2022. The market is projected to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of more than 35 percent from 0.4 billion U.S. dollars in 2012 to some 8.4 billion in 2022.

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