Feature Writing

Longreads Article

Venezuela, a Failing State

The way this article opens up automatically gives the reader an idea of what the author will be speaking and it also gives it the “feature” aspect of it since it speaks about a medical students, and then moves on to quote him and his feelings about Venezuela’s political situation and how that is affecting him.

I think the author was very effective in transitioning to different stories and through this, show the reader the critical state Venezuela is in.

Throughout the article, he also gave a long and detailed summary of Venezuela and everything that contributed to their current situation.

He was also very effective in offering different perspectives from different people and their attitude towards the government. It gave the article more objectivity in an issue that is hard to not show bias towards.

Overall, there was a lot of emotional appeal throughout the article and the personal stories told but, the author also did a great job in explaining the situation, the causes and the possible outcomes in the future. The end was also very effective and has the potential to cause many reactions at once from the

reader. http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/11/14/venezuela-a-failing-state

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