Feature Writing

News Feature Pitch

Spoon University Pitch by Nicole Caropolo

Spoon University is a blog focused on food and health. The content is created by college students, and many colleges have their own branches in order to share content personal to their area and students. Baruch was just given a branch of Spoon after Hannah Sarraf created a petition and received 300 signatures.

The reason this is a news-worthy feature is because this generation has become very in tune with the latest healthy trends such as the increasing popularity in food such as kale and protein shakes. Spoon University caters to college students focusing on recipes, reviews, and healthy tips. We also love to splurge on sweets, and this isn’t all fruits and vegetables. They feature a plethora of foods that hit your sweet tooth as well.

The local angle of our own campus, Baruch College, gaining a new club will allow a lot of opportunity to showcase the expansion of our extra-curricular activities. As they are still in the start-up stage, they are looking for food writers, bloggers, and photographers.

I will interview Sarraf, other members and readers, as well as attempt to reach a person in charge of the overall blog about the goals and impact of Spoon.

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