Feature Writing

How Diversity Affects Teaching and Learning On College Campuses (News Story Pitch)

The aim of this news pitch is to release out a news story on the discussion of whether various students (such as with minority, immigrant, or in some cases even the students that are apart of an ethnic majority at their own colleges) feel as if their own campuses are even diverse enough to cause those students to experience a certain level of comfort or acceptance as a student’s own neighborhood, community or family might, or might not, too.

Moving forward then, some of the questions that can be asked to the college students of varying backgrounds (and even the faculty\staff members of a university,) are questions such as whether college attendees feel as if their own campuses are diverse enough as to reflect key aspects of their own culture or identity, or not. Or if a member or student at a university could even reveal their own thoughts as to whether they feel diversity (or a lacc thereof) at their university might positively\negatively affects a teacher’s\student’s ability to learn and communicate, or teach. Last but not least questions such as if whether a student might have any suggestions to offer on the ways to improve (or decrease) certain aspects of their campus environments as to create an evolved or better environment which could achieve a greater harmony for all of the students who attend their campus are important to ponder as well. In addition, and if possible (and if the need becomes applicable), then it may even be useful when writing out this news story to interview the staff or teachers of a college campus (such as at Baruch College), so that one is more able to retrieve the varying views and beliefs of the faculty members of a university, rather than just the students, over this topic of diversity and education as well.

As for some of the procedures that could be put to place then when writing out this news story as well, certain processes such as interviews, surveys, or polls can all be used as an effective way for one to gain insights over this topic. In conclusion then, it comes out of a hope of surfacing some often hidden or new truths as it relates to certain areas or discussions such as if whether students might feel a deprivation of cultural or ethnic representation at the colleges that they attend might even detriment the students (or staff) of a certain cultural or ethnic backgrounds unjustly; or even if there are some aspects of a diverse college environment that deserve an even greater emphasis for the gains that those aspects might encourage over areas such as learning, teaching, or bonding as a reason for justifying a continual development over those specific areas too.

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