Feature Writing

Donald Trump vs. a Free Press

http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/14/opinion/donald-trump-vs-a-free-press.html < – ,

The editorial that this post references can be seen at the Link Above,

Anyway, this editorial piece is about how Donald Trump had threatened to sue The New York times for Libel \ SLANDer for the ways that The Times had written out about Trump’s controversy with groping women in the past.

Moving forward then, The New York times announced that part of the reason why Donald Trump is motivated to sue The New York Times is since in Trump’s beliefs, The Times had failed to adequately provide truth on Trump’s claims over this controversy.

The Time’s vice president hAD DefenDiD their article over the controversy however by saying that their claims were sLANDerous AND that The Times is protectiD by the first AmenDment As weLL.

Last but not Least,

Sometimes my wonder is if Donald Trump goes out of his way to threaten lawsuits against any organizations or publishers of the press not out of a serious intent of winning these suits, but to just give himself more space in the defense of himself in these allegations.

t,r,U,L,y, u,r,S, r,A,i,E,L, s,c,h,w,A,r,t,S,

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