In-class Presentation

The link I recieved from Patty didn’t show me the video for some reason but I did recieve my scores.  I thought I did better than the grade reflected but then again, it’s difficult to predict success when you’re in the moment.  According to the grade, I need to work on my non-verbal communication, eye-contact, and “umm’s”.  I have to admit, I could have taken my time to speak slower as well.  If anything, this activity helped me realize what I lacked in presentation skills and will hopefully help me improve on my pitfalls.  I will try to slow down, speak clearly, practice more, maintain good posture, and make better eye contact whenever the next opportunity to speak publicly comes around.

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One Response to In-class Presentation

  1. Don’t be so hard on yourself, as I recall you were not feeling well that day but at least you were prepared.

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