Author Archives: danting.rao
Posts: 5 (archived below)
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My Teaching Experience
This semester, my friends and I joined UCLA in Baruch and participated in a program called Chinese Learning Program. In this program, we teach Chinese to those who want to know more about Chinese culture. For me, it is a very special experience.
At first, I was a little bit nervous and had no idea how to teach. After we had several meetings and came up with class rundowns, I felt more relieved. Fortunately, those who came to our class were really nice and friendly. Sometimes we teach them while playing games, sometimes we divide them into groups and teach them one-on-one. It’s really interesting, and it’s also meaningful to me. Not only they can learn Chinese from us, I feel like we are also learning from them.
It’s an interesting combination of dirfferent cultures and really an unique experience. If any of you guys are interested, you are very welcome to join our next class, which is on Dec, 1st. Refreshements will be served. LOLL
Major/Minor Workshop
Since I was absent the day we had registration workshop, I’m going to talk about the other workshop that I attended which was also about major and minor (yea, tha’s the only thing I concern. LOLL)
In this workshop, we were listening to the panel; some students talked about their majors/minors and why they those them. This workshop really helped me a lot, because I had been hesitate about my major all the time, felt it was weird to major in a non-business course in a business school. However, after listening to them, I realized that it was no big deal. The most important thing is that you have to be sure what you choose is what you really like.
So I’m not confused any more, and I know I will go for what I truely like!
Find Your Passion, Major and Minor Fair
Several weeks before, my friends and I heard about a workshop called “Find your passion, major and minor.” Since some of us (including me of course) were not sure about our majors, we decided to go. During the workshop, the teacher asked us about how we ranked some points of view as the importances of a job and how we valued them. I suddenly realized that I’ve never really took this as a serious problem before. He also gave us a test and told us we could do it online. The test had almost 300 questions, but I did it patiently. They were simple questions; for example, it asked you how you felt about different kinds of jobs. Last week, we went to the second part of the workshop and got our results of the tests. I was happy when I saw the result, because it was closed to what I thought. And it made me feel more confident about what I want to major in and want I want to do in the rest of my life.
I really learned a lot through this workshop, and it influenced me in some degree. Hope that the school will have more workshops like this in the future!
so-called monologue :D
hey guys I’m Vivian. I mean, my Enlish name is Vivian. But sometimes I feel like, name is just a symbol. I chose this name by myself, with no special reason. So I think, what if I chose another name? Like Katherine? Coco? Judy? Or Jennifer? (Of course it wouldn’t be Wendy or Tiffany, lol) Whatever, my point here is, no matter what my name is or what people want to call me, I’m still who I am. 😀
I don’t really like to talk about myself, because talking and behaving are totally different. I can tell people how perfect I am, but actually I’m not, right? But of course I wouldn’t let everyone know about my dark side, either. (Or I should say, people are not interested either.) However, after all, this is still an assignment that we have to complete, and is also an assignment that is much easier and more interesting than others. So I feel bad that I didn’t put much effort into it before.
I am turning 21, my friends always say that I think much maturer than I supposed to. I like to take care of people, and also I cry very easily. I can even cry while watching a funny cartoon, just because it has one or two heartwarming scenes (unfortunately, my friends also disagree with my definition of “heartwarming”). One ridiculous (yes, even myself think it is ridiculous) example is that several weeks before I saw a little boy with a little dog on the street; suddenly I started to think how much I love dogs, then it remineded me that if I had my own dog, he/she would eventually die one day. I couldn’t imagine how sad I would be if that day comes. So I CRIED!!! I was thinking how ridiculous I am while I was crying, because I don’t even have a dog! So many tiny things like this could make me cry. I guess it is because I had been through a lot for the past four years. It was the darkest time in my life. I lost a lot and earned a lot, I regreted a lot and learned a lot. So I know how important it is to treasure our life and value everyone around us, both those who love or hate us.
Ummm…suddenly have no idea how to wirte a conclusion, guess I’ll stop here. Hope everyone will cherish his/her life. 🙂
life sucks, bear it or enjoy it, that’s a question.
Hey guys, I’m Vivian. I’m 20 years old, female, as you may know.
Ummm…I really like the first question Farzana asked, “who you think you are”. I like it because it is one of those questions that would make you feel like “what kind of question is that?”, but then you start to think about it. And eventually you will come up with a lot of answers. I think my answer would be…I’m just a creature on the earth? Just kidding. Physically, I’m a female, and I believe I mentioned it before; racially, I’m Asian; however, meanwhile, I’m Asian-American culturally. So it is hard to tell who I really am. I came to theUnited States4 years ago, but I’ve been sick since May, 2008.Therefore, I went back toChinaand had been stayed there for 2 years. I came back last year and finished my high school. Although I’m a freshman, I guess I’m the “oldest” one in class. (Sucks, doesn’t it?) I’ve been through a lot since I was sick and you can’t imagine how desperate I was at the beginning. However, after staying in different hospitals and seeing different kinds of patients, I changed a lot and became stronger and stronger. Since this is my life and I couldn’t do anything to change it anyway, why not just take it easy and enjoy everyday when I’m alive? That’s me, an extremely optimistic girl.
I do have some issues to concern at this moment. The first and also my biggest problem is my major. I have no idea what to choose right now. And it makes me feel worse when almost all my friends already have their goals and some of them are even making their efforts to achieve the goals. I’ve been thinking about it all the time but never really figured it out. My second concern is about the balance between my health and my study. I need to sleep before 10pm every night in principle, but it is almost impossible for every college student. I’m one of those people that can only concentrate at night, so it means when I’m at my best condition I have to go to sleep. I still have no idea how to solve this problem. Besides that, I am also worried about transferring out. Since my major is undecided yet and also I don’t really like business, I’m thinking about transferring to another school. However, just because I have no idea about my major, I don’t know where should I transfer to. All those things always make me feel like I’m standing at a crossroads and don’t know where to go. I’m so confused.
Up till now, I think I really love my college life. It is completely different from my high school life. Maybe it is because I went to high school after I just came here. For me, the whole environment was so unfamiliar so basically I had no friends. I went to school, sat in the class, took notes, and went back home everyday. My life was boring and meaningless. After I came to college, I felt everything changed. I made a lot of friends, we spent time together, joined the same club. My life had never been so busy before. “Busy as hell”, that’s the way I used to put it. But anyway, I really like being busy, and the most important thing is I do love my friends. (Can’t tag you guys here. J) So I really think my college life changed me, or is changing me. Before I came here, I was a very outgoing and sociable person; but then I just became quiet. Right now, I feel like I am the person who I really am. And being myself just feels so good. Hope that this kind of life could last longer and my friends and I could always be together.