Author Archives: xinglan.mei
Posts: 5 (archived below)
Comments: 1
around Baruch
As its location in the center of Manhattan, Baruch College is surrounded by restaurants, fast food places, coffee shops, pharmacies, banks, and a lot of other shops. Some places you can recieve a 10% off discount when you show your Baruch ID. I remember that on the second day of school, I went to the Zen vegetarian house and bought a mango chicken rice there. I didn’t know that I can get a discount with my ID, so I paid full price. When I finally realized, I showed them my ID, but they were like “oh, take it out earlier next time.” Ever since that time, I never went back again. LOL
Baruch library
I always thought that libraries are boring places where everyone just keep reading and stuyding and there is no fun. But now I feel like the Baruch library has become my second home because almost everyday afterschool, I would stay to finish my homeworks. Me and my friends would borrow a large study room (which needs at least 4 people), and spent the rest of the day there. Althought we always get into conversations that has nothing to do with the assignment, but we had fun there. When we get stuck on problems or is confused about the assignment, we always have each other there to help out. Sometimes we would stay really late and have dinner together before going home.
class registration workshop.
Before attending this workshop, I was really frustrated about what classes to register for for the next semester because I have never gone through this process before. The workshop gave me a lot of informative clues about what classes I should consider as high priorities and what classes I can consider later on. As an intended major of Accounting, I should take the prerequisite business classes so that I can get into my desired school at Baruch College. I also learned a lot about the different credit requirements to receive different degrees. This Workshop is really helpful.
end procrastination.
My name is Xing Lan. I am 18 years old. One of my goals this year is to learn to manage my time. I always wait till the last minute to finish my assignments, and works always pile up. I always feel like there is so much to do, but there is so little time. I really hope that I can get all my class readings and assignments up to date so that I can have leisure time to play. Whenever I hangout with my friends now, I have to leave early because I need to go home and do my homework. Sometimes even if I stay up till 3am , i still can’t finish my homeworks, just like last night. And now i end up doing this monologue in math class. On October 21, a new movie called “Johnny English Reborn” came out. My favorite actor Mr. Bean is in there. I really want to go watch it, but I have no time. I hope sometime this week I can go.
Call me Xing Lan.
Hello, my name is Xing Lan Mei. I always get called lazy by my friends because all I like to do is eat, sleep, shop, watch movies, and hangout with my friends. I like to do things that do not require too much thinking and concentration, that’s why I really dislike studying and reading books.
My first concern is time management; homework and textbook readings are piling up day by day, and I always wait till the last second to finish them. I always end up not getting enough sleep but have to wake up real early the next day for the morning classes. My second concern is to pass all my classes with a good grade. I am really scared of failing anthropology because for like almost 6 weeks, I still have no idea what the class is about. My third concern is to make more new friends because they are the ones that keep college life exciting and fun.
My Baruch College experience is different from my high school experience because in Baruch, we’re actually treated like adults. You don’t have to worry about getting caught by deans because you’re using your cell phone and laptop in class; teachers won’t force you to copy notes and do homework; you don’t have to ask for permission to use to bathroom. I think my first year in College will change me to a more mature person who takes more responsibilities for myself and others.