Speak by Klaudia Wisniewska (Monologue)

During the Voices Performace, there were some funny monologues and there were some that were really personal. I decided to make mines personal. I feel like everyone in life goes through struggles, but its those struggles that make you, you. My dad left my mom to take care of four children all alone. This is for him. Here it goes:


How can I speak when there are no words

What you did

Has had me torn


Is never there

When you smile

It just doesn’t seem fair

You speak

Tell me the truth

Why did you leave us?

When all we ever did was love you


Gone. You left. The door slammed shut.

I didn’t even cry

I was too filled with disgust.

I was so small but I understood

I guess you felt like you were too good

For us

I lost trust

Not only in you, but in everything
In everyone

I felt alone


We had it so hard

My mom fell into depression

My brother was still a baby

But you didn’t care

You never came back

You never wanted to correct it


I lost my best friend

The person I loved the most in the world

But those memories

Are all just a blur

I lost my dad


Sometimes I question

What went wrong?

Was all of it a lie, all along?


We all miss you

We just have a lot of broken feelings

You asked me to speak to you

So now I’m speaking



  1. Amazing, thank you for sharing. There are many who sympathize with your situation, myself included. Just one of the many reasons we encourage everyone to speak up and share your voices.

  2. This is beautiful, Klaudia.

    Thank you for sharing this with us, and I know the feeling. Sort of. My dad walked in and out of my life when I was younger, and it left an emotional toll on me that I still haven’t gotten over, even though we’re on good terms now.

    Also, on a lighter note, can you teach me how to pronounce your last name?

    • kw141184 on October 30, 2012 at 2:15 pm

    Aww, you’re so sweet! =) And I read your post, its really beautiful.
    And my name is actually a lot easier then it looks, believe me. LOl

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