DTF Blog #1

This is one of my favorite shows ever.Its about someone looking for love, but you already that they find it. Following his journey to find his wife is very entertaining and funny. Im one of those people who have watched evry episode more than once, trying to deduce who his wife is.I plan to sit my kids down and tell them how i met their mother. If im only able to remember it all. My favorite character is Barney Stinson. I would love to be like him but sadly I cant.     Love this show. Its really funny and puts me in a good mood. My favorite character is Phil Dunphy. I love his quotes and hes soo funnyThis shows about random people who end up forming a study group and become best friends. Maybe we should form a DTF study group? My favorite character is Pierce. Hes a rich, homophobic old sexist/racist white male. Nobody really like him in the show, but I think hes hilariousHad to get a picture with Michael Scott. He was one of the funniest characters in television. I never watched the UK version. I just recently started watching this show because everybody told me it was great. I really like the show, Im all caught up. Even though they got rid of my favorite character, I still gonna watch it till the end.I know what some of you guys might be thinking but I dont care. I actually watch this show, its pretty funny. Some of my friends say I remind them of Spence but I really love Gibby.Who doesn’t watch Spongebob Squarepant! Its the best show ever!!! I will watch this show until it is cancelled. I promised myself that I will watch cartoons no matter how old I get. Gotta stay young at heart.Its just a funny adult cartoon. Its stupid but it puts me in a good mood. I like all the random scenes.The coolest little kids ever. After watching this show, I started calling my mom the way Cartman calls his mom. I love Butters, hes always misunderstood but trys to do the right thing.







Follow Your Passions

I believe that life is an infinite journey of discovery. Every year brings new lessons to learn, friendships to cherish, and intense streams of emotion to experience. Not all of my past has been pleasant, but I am driven to make the most out of the present and future. When I decide on a goal, I put every effort humanly or otherwise possible towards bringing it to reality. Thus begins my chapter in Baruch, with me hitting the ground running towards career and personal development.

Likewise, I take my hobbies and interests very seriously. For instance, playing guitar – I can’t even remember how long I’ve been playing. Unsurprisingly, my entire playlist is guitar oriented. Classic rock has a very dear spot in my heart, due in large part to the raw power driving the music. These tracks are highly reflective of my undying determination to follow my dreams to fruition.

Still, calmness and meticulousness define my character just as much as raw passion. In music, as in life, I prefer to make each step a deliberate one, carefully made at just the right time and place. Guitarists like Santana embody everything I could hope to be as a musician. His control over the instrument, his articulation, allows him to project his will unto an audience without the slightest hint of trepidation.

I still have some fears and concerns about the future; it’s only natural. However, I know now more than ever the importance of following my passions.


So me and a couple of the other members of DTF thought it would be fun if we get shirts we came up with this idea and they come out to be $11. we already got the okay from Jason so comment if you think it is a good idea

=] <3




Hanging out the 8th floor

Surreality – A short story

Next week, we will discuss written and verbal communication skills in our FRO section. To set the mood, here is a video recorded from a story I told during my COM1010 class:


COM1010 focuses on public speaking and is required by all Baruch Students to graduate with any degree. In my class, we had to film each speech for self-evaluation. Generally, the class will assign speeches with specific goals such as persuasion, to entertain, or to describe something using a visual aid (eg. PowerPoint).

One week down!

I would say it feels good to be back but I never really left! Although I have been working at Baruch all summer, it feels good to be back in class. Especially since all my friends are back in Baruch with me – and I mean all of them.  Seems like I can’t walk more than 3 meters without bumping into someone I know. That’s what happens when you’re involved with a dozen on-campus organizations.

To be honest, I was never one for school spirit. Before college, I could be barely be bothered to show up to school at all. Yet here I am, Freshman Seminar Peer Mentor, teaching my own weekly class, reviewing resumes at the Starr Career Development Center, on the Eboard of Phi Eta Sigma, the list goes on and on.

Most of all, I am happy to be here. I hope everyone’s semester is blessed and enjoyable.

Kicking off the new semester!

Here is our personal space on the web. Relax from all those essays and lectures, kick back, and feel free to share your thoughts with the world!

Want to redecorate? We can make this the visual story of your freshman experience! Make the most of your first semester, and make the most of this blog!