All posts by s.fassler

About s.fassler


Blog Post

I feel like this gif represents my first few months at Baruch because everything happened so fast, and things pile up, and tests get harder. So as time went on it felt like i needed to tell my professors to chill with the work load or difficulty if they weren’t teaching the material well. In the end i had a good time, but the stress of certain things just keep up with the work and need a break sometimes


What a journey it has been, what a journey this will be, and what pressure it all bears. From taking a school bus to school, to driving myself, to graduating to college and taking the 6 train. What have i really learned? From sitting in classes like then, like now, what have i learned? Spitting back knowledge then, spitting it back now, how will i use it? Going through the motions then, going through them now, just following the path cause i don’t know what i want to make mine into

Email Blog Post


Subject: ENG 2100 help question

Dear Professor Mango,

I wondering when are your preferred office hours or if I could speak to you for a short amount of time after class one day. I’ve been having trouble developing a strong thesis and some extra input could help a lot.

Best Wishes,

Sam Fassler

ENG 2100 TGF 12:55

post #1

(The Black Keys – Lonely Boy)

(Logic – Do You Like)

(Atmosphere – Yesterday)

(Atmosphere – The Waitress)

(Tom Tykwer – Cloud Atlas End Title)

(Lowkey – My Soul)

(Lowkey – Relatives)

(Sido – Augen Auf)

(Cro – Whatever)

(Cro – Easy)


Hi. I’m Sam.  I feel like these songs are are a good representation of me because they are some of my favorites. The music I listen to is mostly rap, but then there are some exceptions like the Cloud Atlas End Title. The songs usually have some underlying meaning that speaks to the public and makes it worth listening to. So whatever mood I’m in there’s usually a song or playlist to relate to that mood. There’s also a mix of German, British, and American rap. I like music from different cultures and walks of life. It gives different out looks on life and its just interesting to hear from the different perspective. In my opinion the whole search for new music and artists is part of the whole is one of the most exciting parts of life. Its exciting to have those new songs you can’t stop listening to for a whole week. Its exciting making memories on road trips with friends with music reminding you of those memories. Cloud Atlas is my favorite movie and in my opinion the sound track of it are some of the most beautifully written songs I know. My sisters friend was over my house and we were talking about German rap and she showed me Cro – Easy, and it was one of and still is one of my favorites. Sido – Augen Auf has a deep meaning behind the song and was actually one of the first german rap songs i discovered. During the summer when I’d drive to parites with my girlfriend, Cro – Whatever would usually come on at least once and reminds me of the good summer times. Atmosphere and Lowkey have deep meaning to their songs, so if i’m in the mood for thought, then ill listen to those songs. And one time in the car with my friend he pulled up Logic – Do Ya Like on the way to get food. So each song carries a memory, as well as a great beat and meaning