All posts by s.chow1

About s.chow1


Blog post #3

I think that this is a gif that accurately represents every morning that I have to go to school. Not that I hit into something every morning, but that I have to rush to school every morning. Ever since school started I’ve slept less than I previously had in high school. It’s also a longer trip to get to school and an extra transfer so I’m usually rushing to get to the train station or make the doors of the closing trains. College has been a totally new experience for me.

Blog Assignment 2

Covered in black
The night was rough, shown on my shirt
The scars of a fearful nightmare
Spirits and demons trapped within the threads of my now grey washed shirt.
Just as I thought the nightmare would haunt me forever.
A light beamed in through through the window and bounced off my shirt .
The scars embedded on my shirt were running from the lights,
Like a clean slate, I woke up to a white shirt, ready to start fresh.

Email Blog Post

Subject: Question on homework assigned for 10/5

Dear Professor West,

I don’t understand what the homework is asking in question 5. I am not sure if the question is asking whether we are suppose to write a response to both prompts or only 1 prompt. Thank you for the help.

Steven Chow

HIS 1003- BTRA TUTH 9:30-10:45

FRO Post 1

I think that these pictures are a good representation of who I am. The first picture is of a person biking on  the Manhattan bridge. I’ve done this several times and I love biking. Every time I bike, I feel as if I am actually myself and don’t think about anything else other then biking. The second picture is of my high school, Brooklyn Tech. The 4 years I’ve spent there really make me who I am today. High school was a great experience. The next picture is our graduation. There were around 1,400 students in the graduating class and I’m glad to call myself a Tech Alumni. The picture of the car is a toy that I had to make in my engineering class back in Tech. I had the best time making it and that was the  final product. The next picture is of me and my friends on the Ferris wheel. These friends are always there for me when I need them. Asos is a brand that I shop at. I have watched Disney all my life. Since I was young till this day I still watching Disney movies. Computers has become a big part in my life. I use it on a day to day basis and its hard to get things done without one.