All posts by j.brandon

About j.brandon


Email to Professor

Dear Professor Rocha,

I do not feel it is fair our grades for pre calculus are based off three tests and the final. This puts extreme pressure on just four grades and is harmful to those who are not good test takers. It would be much more efficient and utilitarian if the homework, webwork, or even some quizzes  added to our overall grades. Thank you for your time.


Justin Stanziola.

Blog Post #3

Pretty much me.

In my first three months at Baruch, its been a small struggle, with obstacles here and there. But none of it has been out of my control, and I’m slowly but surely getting used to everything. To be honest it has been pretty uneventful, and nothing has really been to challenging, but I guess I would rather that than overwhelming and sometimes exciting. I think in the future in making new friends and getting more involved everything will amp up.


College is weird. Its funny how high school isn’t so different than what we are doing now, except mainly for the freedom aspect. Five months ago we had to ask to go to the bathroom and were given detention if we acted out, for some of us if we even took our phones out. Now, we have to choose classes that will decide our entire futures and can have our laptops with us whenever we want, an teachers, or “professors”, couldn’t care less if were using them to help or to watch The Walking Dead. I guess people think we change in five months rather than in four years, you know because that makes sense.

To me, the weirdest aspect would have to be the people around me. I come from a private catholic school that holds 90% white kids that call each other slang names, and the the other 10% being black kids that act whiter than them. Now I see kids around me with turbans and burqas and yamahas and its just so new to me. I often wonder if i’m the only one, being a lot of kids may have come from diverse public or private schools, but its not like its made me racist or prejudice. I don’t expect to learn different languages talking to the new types of people I see around me, but damn drawing a blank on what to say to new kids I meet happens more often than i’d like it to.

That Justin Stanziola Kid

Hi my name is Justin Stanziola, and originally I was Justin Brandon but i have had it changed for reasons with parents being separated and such. I feel this slideshow of pictures i have created represents me best in the many different things I am and love. Being pro life is a big part of who I am and that picture is one of my favorite pro life supporting pictures. I live a life of being against abortion and all for the protection of life that cannot speak for itself so I feel that picture perfectly speaks my views. I also pride myself in being a good person, and the picture just inspiring to the good in the world and believe it at the same time just speaks to me. I aspire to be a respectable and morally correct person and this picture is a great summation of just that.  I am also a huge patriot, and I love my country. That being said, I love and support our military with a burning passion. That sunset picture of Marines loading up into a helicopter is one of my all time favorites and I would do anything to be in that position someday. The picture of a robot picking up a person is of the game Titanfall. I love Titanfall and gaming is everything to me and all of who I am seeing as to how my computer is where I live. The quoted picture of the two samurai represents me in the sense of how I am an emotionally strong and determined person. I am an optimist and never underestimate myself or am negative on the future to come. The picture of the cat in the plastic bag is just one of my absolute all time favorite funny pictures, and if I had to say how it represents me i would say it is because I am a hilarious person who loves many forms of comedy and am nowhere near a stick in the mud. No type of comedy is offensive or goes unappreciated by me. The World War Two photo I absolutely love because again I love my country and I love history and everything that has happened in our past. That picture really speaks to me in how it was during such a crucial and chaotic time period and our nation came out on top. Finally, the Star Wars picture really represents me in the sense that I am a huge movie fanatic and love the creativity the picture gives off in the sense of the perspective of it. It is like a combination of gaming and movie reference that just shouts me.