Great Works of Literature II, Fall 2019 (hybrid) HTA


Consider Blake’s use of images and metaphor in his various poems and proverbs.

If I am deciphering this unerringly, Blake starts off his prose with God being the accuser of all things. “Truly, my Satan, thou art but a Dunce, And dost not know the Garment of the Man. ” Satan is anything but dull-witted and does not know of a priest, meaning he doesn’t know good deeds. “Every Harlot was a Virgin once, Nor canst thou ever change Kate into Nan.” Like every prostitute was once a virgin, you cannot change them back to purity. “Tho’ thou art Worship’d by the Names Divine Of Jesus and Jehovah, thou are still/The Son of Morn in weary Night’s decline, The lost Traveller’s Dream under the Hill.” Even though Satan is worshipped by other known supreme beings, at the end of the night he is still the “son of morn” which is an idiom for “Lucifer” as he is the son of the morning. Blake’s use of idioms and metaphors here depicts that of someone in a religious stance who acknowledges Satan as a being, but not of the other “Divine Names” as Jesus and Jehovah. Thus, towards the end of the prose, “The lost Traveller’s Dream under the Hill” signifies that Lucifer was the Traveller that had this idea to detach himself from God, but that idea placed him “under the hill” where he is casted away.