Great Works of Literature II, Fall 2019 (hybrid) HTA


Consider the symbolism (or various symbolisms or meanings or emotional or psychological values) of the gilded coin​ in the story.

In the story “The Gilded Six-Bits,” the gilded coin represent deceit. In the beginning, Joe and Missie May were exposed to Otis D. Slemmons’ wealth and were awestruck by his “five-dollar gold piece for a stickpin”, “ten-dollar gold piece on his watch chain” and his mouth filled with “gold teeths” (3). At this point, the gold present status and wealth that is not attainable for Joe and Missie May. They are in the working middle class and based on the description of their life, Joe and Missie May’s life could be described as not lacking. They have a house and Joe is able to provide enough to live a humble life with enough to fill the table. However, Missie May mentions that the only way for them to get to Slemmons’ level of wealth is only by chance of finding it on the streets. By establishing that Slemmons’ wealth is unattainable for them, it becomes enticing for Missie May to sleep with Slemmons in exchange for the golden watch charm, which I dont think it’s because of greed. However, the golden watch charm was simply fake (gilded coin) and all Slemmons’ wealth was a lie. The gilded coin is a symbol of how money does not necessarily lead to happiness or make life more satisfying. Joe and Missie May’s life was pretty good before Slemmons came into the picture. They would rely on making the marriage fun and enjoyable rather than focusing on the materialistic factor. They would banter with each other and have these personal games to keep their marriage authentic. Joe was also doing decent in providing for the family. Towards the end of the story, it was stated that they were able to save up a decent amount of money for a child as well as being able to indulge in gifts and ice cream every week. In the end, what saved their marriage was not money but rather the small gifts that Joe and Missie May indulged in before the affair. 



  1. I do agree with the idea that the gilded coin represents deceit. The coin is covered in gold even though the inside is far from it. I also agreed that Missie May did not sleep with Otis because of greed. Because Missie May was showered with gifts, she wanted to return the favor by bringing money home to Joe.

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