Great Works of Literature II, Fall 2019 (hybrid) HTA

Hurston’s “The Gilded Six Bits”- 10/8/2019

Consider of money and the presence or lack of it–wealth and poverty–on the shape of the story and on the lives of the characters and their personalities.

In the short story The Gilded Six Bits, by author Zora Neale Hurston, wealth and poverty are clearly shown among certain characters. Missie May and her husband Joe had very little money, as mentioned in the story, “It was a Negro yard around a Negro house in a Negro settlement that looked to the payroll of the G. and G. Fertilizer works for its supports”(1).  Another character was named Otis D. Slemmons, and he was described to be a wealthy person who recently opened up an ice cream parlor in the neighborhood. The wealth of Slemmons had caused Missie May to be interested. She attempted to get some of the wealth for herself and her husband. As the story progresses, Missie May slept with Slemmons and Joe found out. Missie May plead to Joe that Slemmons offered her gold pieces. She took that opportunity to increase her family’s economic status. This incident clearly shows that Missie May betrayed her husband and caused problems in their marital status. However, in another perspective, it seems like she was just trying to help out with the family.

One thought on “Hurston’s “The Gilded Six Bits”- 10/8/2019”

  1. Missie May and Joe were happy in the beginning with what they had. They didn’t have much money, but they didn’t complain. Without any background context, I would not think Missie May would betray Joe because they seemed so happy together. It was only until Slemmon showed up with a seemingly different lifestyle, fashion, and wealth status than everyone else, did both Missie May and Joe begin to feel insecure. Joe wanted to look like Slemmons and be like him while Missie May wanted to find a way to get some of his gold so she and Joe can also feel good about themselves just like Slemmon can brag about himself. However, Joe stayed true and loyal to Missie May because he prioritizes her and genuinely believes that as long as they’re happily married and love each other, he’ll be fine. On the other hand, Missie May focused on the lack of wealth and became tempted by gold, which led to a conflict in her relationship with Joe.

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