Great Works of Literature II, Fall 2019 (hybrid) HTA

Wharton “Terminus”

What is the relationship between place (e.g. a bedroom, a train station) and memory in the poem?

In the poem “Terminus”, Edith Wharton talks about her recollection of time with her lover. Place and memory have a relationship because this event is happening in the past in specific places. She is remembering the place where this sexual moment occurred, a bedroom. It seems like the train station is where she met her lover. It is confusing as to if her lover is leaving her boarding the train or getting off the train to meet her. Memory is based on her sexual encounters in the bedroom and Wharton uses imagery to set the tone throughout the poem. The bedroom and the train station serve as the same universes for Wharton, the pleasure she shares with her lover. This experience that she has had seems to have changed her in a positive way. The language in this poem can be seen as confusing but the main idea and relationships seen in this poem are noticeable.