Great Works of Literature II, Fall 2019 (hybrid) HTA

” The Diameter of the Bomb” by Yehuda Amichai

How does the poet bear witness to tragedy or more difficult aspects of human life? 

In “The Diameter of the bomb” Yehuda Amichai explained the specific tragedy that has happened and he was present there. At the beginning of the poem, he mentioned how far and how it affected people by using numbers to make us see a clear picture of that moment. He also mentioned specific numbers of dead and wounded people to let us know that this was a hard life for many people because they were losing people from their families. He also mentioned a woman who was buried in her city. In this part of the poem he wants us to see that Instead of feeling safe and protected in their city. They are buried one after another in their own city because of these tragedies. At the end of the poem, he mentions the crying of the orphans. Where he said, “ And I won’t even mention the crying of orphans that reaches up to the throne of God and beyond”. Here, he describes the pain that the orphans were feeling, a feeling of knowing that they would not be able to see their parents anymore. He ended by saying “ no end no god” which means that this tragedy was causing a lot of pain to people to the point that made people feel that it will never be an end to this tragedy and there is no god to make it end. 

One thought on “” The Diameter of the Bomb” by Yehuda Amichai”

  1. I like the point you made when you said ““ no end no god” which means that this tragedy was causing a lot of pain to people to the point that made people feel that it will never be an end to this tragedy”. I believe that evil is just a part of human nature and true world peace is impossible to achieve and the sense of world peace is a childish belief. This is ironic because children choose to be hopeful and believe in a higher power such as god to end all the tragedies, but get stuck with the harsh reality of life. They reach and plead to god as victims of the harsh reality of a war-torn city, but face the truth that there can never be an end to tragedies.

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