Great Works of Literature II, Fall 2019 (hybrid) HTA

Emily Dickinson

Consider why Dickinson’s poetry is more terse and/or brief than most other poetry you might have read.

Emily Dickinson’s poetry is more brief compared to most other poetry because this piece is more of a story-telling poem about a shared adventure between two people. By condensing the words, it would be easy to debrief the ongoing journey and it would hook readers’ attention to make them want to learn more. Additionally, it provides her readers with a better context of how one line/stanza connects to another line/stanza. Unlike most other poetry, Dickinson’s brief poem can be related to her readers’ life experience instantly and leave them questioning the meaning behind those lines. In doing so, she had not only captured their attention, but also made her audiences rethink about the decisions they make in their lives. Dickinson created a suspension throughout her poem, so by employing a few descriptive words or imageries per line, it helps her readers to better interpret the poem.

~ Neo