Dec 09 2013 09:41 am
Posted by cp112898 under Books
The power of incenses
The power of incenses
Incenses have being used for centuries in different continents. Incenses release an aromatic fragrant smoke when this is burned. Incenses are used for a variety of purposes, including the ceremonies of all the main religions as well as to overcome bad smells, repel insects, spirituality, aromatherapy, meditation or for simple pleasure.
Incenses are composed of aromatic plant materials, often combined with essential oils. The forms taken by incense differ with the underlying culture, and have changed with advances in technology and increasing diversity in the reasons for burning it.
I personally use incense for meditation. The smell of it helps me to concentrate faster and to keep my main focus on the smell. My favorite incenses are Nag Champa brand. Those come from India and there is a variety of scents. I really like the midnight, this has an authentic mild smell that doesn’t produce headaches. The color of the box is black.
Nag Champa incenses are sold in boxes not individually. There is an array of different scents including the regular and most popular blue box, Midnight (Black box), Patchuli (green box), sandalwood (orange box). Each of this incense serves an specific purpose.
One Response to “The power of incenses”
8 Amazing Benefits Of Nag Champa Essential Oil | AbcNewsInsider #1 sources for news on 15 Jun 2015 at 8:08 am #
[…] Champa oil has a scent that helps relax your nerves (2). So, when we are stressed or lapse home from work tired, regulating this oil formed products can […]