Real Condition of Education and Ignorance

The real concept of the human nature has been discussed since the people realize that there is more than a luminous or a darker stage. This perception has been taken in the beginning of the seventh book by Socrates and he shows us a concrete example about two attributions of the human condition: education and ignorance.  In a simple way to analyze the allegory of the cave we can assume directly that the first stage, when the person is living in the dark cave only knowing the shadows of people and objects in the exterior reflected by a big fire above and back of them, is related with the ignorance of our human condition as in the first stages of our live and the second moment, when the person went to the light suffocated by this great shyness and appreciate the truly reality of things, is pretty related to the education and wisdom in human condition. But then, Socrates describes a third moment that can destroy the first theory of what wisdom and ignorance really are. This person now illuminated for the sun, which is the representation of the fount of knowledge, came back to the dark cave and back to his old life seeing shadows. The question here is, now this person who has been in a stage of wisdom came to a world when all the knowledge about the reality is completely different than he knows, even is wrong, is he still wise or ignorant?

With all this allegory Socrates wants to explain that the perception of what wisdom or ignorance is affected by the context and the process of the changes of stages, from darker to a more luminous one. Also he implicitly says that education is not the art to bring knowledge to people in fact but to teach the better way to orientate the knowledge of the human nature in order to accomplish wisdom itself. Therefore, he shows that education is to orientate but not to bring something that the soul already has, and with this ignorance is not the absent of wisdom but is the absent of education forcedly. So education and ignorance cannot be describes in the true condition of human nature, but they can be describes as stages when the wisdom is orientated to a place to other depending the world where we live.

Jesus Minano