Digital Storytelling Resources

Below are some tools that are either free or have free versions (with limited functionality) that will allow you to upload images, audio, and/0r video, and to then embed what you produce on Blogs@Baruch.

It is a good habit to keep copies of what you’ve done locally and not to depend completely on a third party site to retain your work. Keep a copy of your images, and, if possible, record your audio narrations as MP3 or WAV files that you then upload to the site and integrate with your slides.

Documentation for how to use each tool exists on each site.

When you’re done, you’ll want to get embed code that you’ll then paste into the HTML view of a post your write on Blogs@Baruch (when you click into the “Add New Post” page, click on the “HTML” tab instead of the “Visual” tab in the space above where you write your post, and paste the content there). You MAY run into difficulty since some sites send out bulky embed code that other software does not like. If this is the case, send Luke me an email ( and I’ll help you embed your slideshow.

But remember… keep local copies of everything you produce so that if something goes wrong you won’t have much trouble reproducing it!

Here are the tools:

Video Tools

YouTube Editor:
Allows basic editing– clipping, remixing, adding soundtrack (including approved audio from the YouTube music library) , transitions, adding titles. Check out this guide:

Slideshow Tools

Slide Share
Upload PPT, PDF, and then upload accompanying MP3.

Slide Six
Import presentations (PPT/PPS, PDF, ODP/SXI, MOV) and then layer audio over

Show Beyond
Max of 24 images, 30 seconds of audio per image
Can upload audio files in MP3 or WAV format

Photo Peach
Upload photos, easily arrange into a slideshow, but requires premium account for upload of MP3s ($3 a month)

Analyzes an uploaded set of images and creates a “professional” music video based on a secret artificial intelligence logic.
Pricing comparison for the plans:

One True Media
Upload images and audio for story track. Embed in blogs or directly post to YouTube/Google video, mySpace, Google Groups. A range of choices.
Pricing comparison for plans:

For additional tools, visit




North by Northwest

Embedding disabled… click on link to see scene:




