A dream, a deja vu, a family history

A weird title, I know. However, a good explanation will be given.

 From my minimal knowledge of Freud, I know that he studied dreams. The study of dreams has always fascinated me. Our minds can imagine the craziest things and we are just along for the ride. I find how our dreams can help us solve dilemmas in our lives intriguing. The unconscious mind is force not to be taken as a minor component in our lives.

The scariest phenomena of dreams is deja vu. Deja vu is, as dictionary.com describes,”the illusion of having previously experienced something actually being encountered for the first time”. I guess to some it is an illusion while to others it is a reality. The mind is a powerful being who can say with absolute certainty that deja vu is actually an illusion. Perhaps I am just a bit bias because I experience deja vu fairly often or maybe because of the belief in the supernatural in my culture.

Russians are very superstitious people. Most grandmothers know how to read cards, palms and dreams. They say that the gift passes down to the most stubborn child. My great-great-grandmother was actually a fairly well known “gadalka”(russian equivalent to a psychic) in her region; my grandmother told me a story of one man in military. He was presumed dead by everyone, his wife needed to know if it was true. She asked the gadalka if he was alive; my great-great-grandmother asks to look at a ring of his. As she looks she tells the women that her husband is alive but missing a leg. In a years time, the man returns to his wife missing a leg. Back to my point, my grandmother has the ability to read cards, my father has feelings when bad things or good things will happen, much like a sixth sense, and I experience what my grandmother calls stupid premonitions.

Many believe these stories to be a way to swindle money out of people. I do agree that most are just con-artists but there has to be those who do know how to control their minds to make this happen.

A dream dictionary for those who want to understand their dreams: http://www.dreammoods.com/dreamdictionary