Response Paper 5 Option 1

The movie Best is Show was quite an interesting movie to me. I thought at first when I watched it that it was nothing more than just a dog show movie. It did not really satisfy to me how it can be about a dog show, when the director kind of rushed the dog show itself in the movie. I noticed that they actually got to the dog show pretty far in the movie. Aside the director did not really go into the details of the actual show. At first I kept thinking that it was a bad move of the director, to actually make a movie about dogs and not actually focus a lot of attention into the show itself.
Eventually I came to realize that there was more to this movie that meets the eye. The movie later became famous to me for a different reason, and it wasn’t the show but the actual obsession of people. What this movie had was character development. This movie really emphasized the different kinds of obsession that people have towards their dogs. Dog shows to me seem kind of pointless and I thought that people were just there to show off their dogs. I also thought that people were all the same inn how they treated their dogs. This movie had something in common with all the dog owners, and it was that they love their dog. But the difference was that they appreciated each dog in a very unique and funny way. If it wasn’t one that just talked a lot about the breed, but there were ones who made them look like humans themselves, or actually treat them as if it was a child they had. Interesting enough was that with one of the couples it was so insane to actually see how they treat their dog as if it was a God, someone they had to please with toys, or apologizing and going to therapy because they engaged in sexual intercourse. Знакомства
I really enjoyed this movie. It definitely made me laugh to see the kind of people that were in this movie. This movie made me realize that it was the same thing we have been reading in class as well. This movie has loyalty and sacrifice written all over it. The Birth mark by Hawthorne is somewhat similar to this movie, and not in the concept of giving up your life for someone else, but praising other living beings that exist in their lives. In this case their Dogs. Georgiana was willing to do anything in order to ensure happiness for Aylmer. Aylmer was the dog in this sense. Georgiana would treat this one particular dog as if it was her life. A dog in which she is willing on giving up her whole being just to make sure that dog is satisfied, clean and ready for the next show.