School Note (response #5)

School note

The leaves are falling off the trees

The wind is blowing, the prefect autumn breeze

The sky is blue and the weather is so inviting

The thought of me going to school was frightening

No sun, no fresh air, and no play

I would not let school get in my way

I left early morning and headed to the park

I planned on staying here until dark

Just watching the animals and laying down

So relaxing I felt like a king without the crown

I never felt so alone within myself

Just me, my thoughts and no one else

This beautiful day led me towards my inner sanctuary

This escape for me was more than necessary

I was able to escape all of my stress

I even avoided that psychology test

I knew in a few days I would pay

Regarding my absence on that beautiful day

I must now do all the work that I missed

My parents found out and they were pissed

A school note came home about me cutting class

The only outside I would see was through the window’s glass