The Electric Slide Boogie

Thursday, the new Friday. Today is Wednesday

and every minute I feel like I’m busy. What happened to

time? Where did he go? Too busy to let myself

go to bed, forget, and rest. But I will try.

Now that I’m here why can’t I fall asleep?

Is it the noisy train I hear from a block away?

The Chinese radio playing

in the room across?

Mother speaking loudly to my aunt in the living room?


The phone is right there next to me

flashing in a steady beat.

I see it and I hear it buzz.

I hear the buzz, the tv, the radio, the train,

the mom, the chopstick clanking against bowls.

Instead of sleeping I bet all my friends

are going out

having fun.

I get up

out of bed


go on facebook.


How hard it is to kill work with sleep.

Life doesn’t stop for anyone.