Wow, i still can’t believe its already November. Looking at the calender right now, it seems almost unreal. It’s already November 15. Wow.

Where has the time gone? Has it really gone, or have I just lived through it too fast, to notice it? Is it possible to live through it too fast? Or have I just been so caught up doing so many other things, that I indeed have forgotten to actually “live” through it. I wrote a whole manifesto on the importance of taking it slow and easy and living each moment. I told others they should do it. Then why have I not done it? Time has just sped by. I can’t believe that I walked into this unknown atmosphere in August, with so many hopes and dreams, ready to live my college life. Now, in November, I look back at the past few months, and find that I really miss high school. College is different. College is hard. College life is hectic. College is not as much fun. Not yet at least. I think I might have just kept too many expectations. I should have come in terms with the fact that I am attending a commuter college. Is it so different from other colleges? I really don’t know.

December is approaching fast, and so is the New Year. 2012. Yes, 2012. The very 2012 which many people are afraid of. The very 2012 which some people claim will bring with it the end of this world. Yes, the very 2012. Should this scare us?

Of course, most people think its a load of nonsense. I don’t believe it either, but find it funny that “living your life” is being stressed more now that “death” is coming. Well why do we need something like “the end of the world” to make us think about life, all that we have not lived, and to make us start wanting to live and enjoy ourselves. Or even, why do we need it, if we believe in God, to make us start being ‘good’ before we die. Accidents happen all the time, and our lives can really end at any moment. So shouldn’t we be ‘living’ all the time?

If nothing else, the idea of the world ending in 2012 at least gives us a chance to look at our lives and acknowledge the fact that most of us do want to be happier and ‘live’ before actually dying. I know I do.

This song tells you to live your life (party) and uses 2012 as an excuse to do it. It uses 2012 as an excuse to start over, from scratch, and live the way we want to live, enjoying our lives.I think this verse really explains it:

No I’m not gonna follow
Anything that say anymore
It’s never to late to start living
So let’s start it with here right now