A Summer 2012 Trip

When I was three years old I first met my friend Bobby.  Our parents met at a daycare function and we supposedly played all day together.  We ended up going to the same school and had Pre-K together.  After school we would go over each other’s houses and we were always together.  We then played baseball, basketball, and soccer together.  Both Bobby and I had similar families, backgrounds, and interests.  I’ve been best friends with Bobby ever since, but he moved to Florida when we were only 8.

I never would have thought a friendship could last so long and still be so strong when you only see the person about twice a year.  He usually visits during Christmas and then spends a month in the summer living with me.  He is the only person I am able to live with for a period of time without getting sick of.  I introduce him to people as my best friend but he’s more like a brother.  He always talks about how much he loves New York and how he wishes his family never moved.  He even talks about how the New York girls are better than the Florida girls.  I know he would be there for me if I needed him and he knows I would be there for him too.  We always talk about if we get good jobs out of college we’d both get an apartment together in Manhattan.  Hopefully one day this can become a reality.

We decided to plan a vacation this summer.  He always visits New York and I never visit him in Clearwater, Florida because it’s too boring.  I will be 21 in April and he will be 21 in July, so we decided we’re going to go to Miami.  Going to some of the most amazing beaches and clubs will be so much fun.  We won’t have to worry about fake ids or any nonsense.  I know this week will be a time I will never forget.  I’d get to be with my best friend living it up.  For now I will keep saving my money and when the summer comes along it should be sick!