
Well everything is just difficult at the moment. I find myself lacking passion for things I used to have so much passion about. I don’t know. Life is just all about change, and for some reason it is difficult for me to adjust to that change. Well, I kind of had an epiphany Sunday morning at around 4am. I just realized that I need to grow, and find myself and accept change as a positive thing. Very obvious answer that I could not fully understand until 11.13.11 at 4am. Hopefully things get better. Heres a poem I wrote last thursday in class, no title.

why does she refuse
why does he refuse her?
Confused she is, or is HE not
They? Maybe not
life is one big knot of pointless nots
Living for what reason, what purpose?
To laugh, to love, to drink and get high
off of life.
To worry, to hurt, to regret then forget
Refusing everything
Taking a chance