Latinoamericano (Latin American)

One of the things that made me happy in my life has been traveling. Travel through different countries and meet new people with new cultures is something simply beautiful, specially Latin American countries, that in my opinion are different in many ways but they have the same heartbeat. A lot of people in most developed countries with better economy as United Sates the Latin American culture and customs may be strange and hard to understand, but the truth is that for someone like me who was lucky enough to see people from different South American countries and note that all grow, live and feel the same, the South American culture is unique and impressive. Zapping a few days ago I saw on TV the Latin Grammy awards where a singer was awarded by a song about exactly what I could see and live with the people of the Andes and the coast of South America, its culture . The singer was Calle 13, a Puerto Rican that besides making great music has been able to identify very well with the Latino people and culture, the song is called “Latinoamerica” (“Latin America” in English) and I really like the lyrics. After hearing the song, I found the video clip on Youtube and I was much more pleased with the work they did, the majority of the images and people in the video were from the Peruvian ethnicity and nearby countries, I really enjoy it. A big country as the United States and a city like New York make people who come from other countries living different and forget what it felt in our countries of origin, to forget our culture and forget our origin. The truth is that this video seemed to me very good not only for the lyrics of the song, but also because it shows pictures of the heart of Latin America and uses very own instruments and symbols of my culture. I posted one video clip of this song with english subtitles so all of you can enjoy it.
