The Angry Person with the Broken Mirror

Excuse me, but this mirror is broken.


I see a pair of eyes, but they are the dullest eyes I know

I see a head full of hair, but it needs more straightening

I see brown skin, but it can use some toner

Oh, and I see a body that can shed a few pounds.


But this mirror is broken.

Because I know that

My eyes are a beautiful almond shape,

My hair is as natural and healthy as can be,

My skin is more radiant than a the summer sun

Oh! And my body is curvy and great.


This is an outrage!

People are looking at the wrong reflections,

so they should not take the blame for these broken mirrors!

Tell the glassmaker that I will never buy another one of his mirrors.

I want my money back! And an apology as well!

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