“A Pocketful of Dreams”

Ive decided to write my paper on a song by one of my favorite rock bands. The band is Billy Talent and are an alternative rock band from Canada. In their song “A Pocketful of Dreams” we can truly see how money can consume people. The song is about someone who is so rich that she has let go of her dreams to continue living a meaningless life where valuables and money are the center of her world. This song can relate to the current financial struggle we are suffering from today. As everybody is so worried about money, we are losing touch with our dreams and live to make as much money as we can.

Gertrude Stein

As I read though Gertrude Stein’s poem to Picasso, “If I Told Him,” I was at first confused at her writing style. I thought to myself whether or not she had some sort of writing style that I had not seen before. I then realized that her style is very strange indeed. She seems to use contradictory statements when writing. As she says something, recoils it and then restates it. This is a very interesting method of writing, possibly written this way to display that she is unsure about something. When hearing the poem, I had not seen this pattern in her writing, however reading it multiple times allowed me to see the flow in which she writes. Although very unorthodox, it is a very strong method of writing as it makes you think about what she means in her poem. I still do not have a complete understanding as to what the poem means, however her style of writing has become more clear.

Every morning i usually wake up looking for new music, maybe something I had previously missed. A few days ago I woke up and searching the web, i found a dubstep song that i had not heard. It is called “Zoology” and is a collaboration between Skrillex and a fairly new artist known as knife party. The song is quite short for a dubstep song but is so incredible it doesnt even matter. Enjoy!


Best in Show Review

I had watched this movie before when I was very young and did not quite understand the movie. This was my first time really watching it and I really enjoyed it. The plot was great following the contestants of a dog show, in mockumentary format. The cast was very funny including Eugene Levy who basically makes any movie hilarious by just entering the screen.

The movie also has it’s flaws. Sometimes it felt a bit silly and often had boring parts due to excssive talking. This is however necessary when creating a movie of this type.

The announcers at the dog show also were incredibly funny, as each question asked by comedian Fred Willard was hilarious. Overall the movie was great and shows that people often use other things in their life such as a dog to judge their own happiness, and that was the main idea of this film.

As a rating I would give this movie a 7/10


deadmau5 is a house dj who i have liked for many years now. I have always heard mixed reviews of his shows, some people saying that he played only an hour, and others saying he was amazing. I decided to buy a ticket from a friend and go on his first night in Manhattan. Two other djs before him, Zed’s Dead and Excision, played some incredible sets. Then deadmau5 comes on and blows my mind. He started with a breathtaking visualizer, and then the cubes emerged. By cubes, I mean four cube shaped visualizers that produce incredible effects, as it changed on beat and for each song. I have uploaded the video for you to fully understand the concept of the cubes. This concert was absolutely perfect and I encourage anyone who does not know about his music to give it a chance. I would rate the concert a perfect 10/10…Enjoy the Video

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/Dumud8gFY9Y" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Mac Miller


Ive decided to write about a concert that I was dying to go to tomorrow, and considering that I was finally able to get a ticket about an hour ago, I am very excited. The artist is a rapper named Mac Miller and he’s gonna be playing at Irving Plaza tomorrow at 7PM. He is becoming very popular quickly, as his music is very positive and he is not dependent on the violent terms and actions written into many rap songs today. The show sold out very quickly and he is currently touring the country and becoming more famous each day. He is often compared to eminem however he is much more upbeat and his lyrics are written to make the listener feel happy, rather than to cause controversy. I am very excited for tomorrow and if anyone wants a ticket check out stubhub.com there might be some left!

“Donald Trump” is the title of one of his songs and on youtube, Donald Trump he responded to Mac Miller’s song in the video below. I also posted the actual song for those who are interested. Enjoy 🙂

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/74TFS8r_SMI" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]


[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/yx1mUxI9w5A" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]


Socrates and Plato on Life and Happiness

P: Socrates? Why must we continue living if our lives end so abruptly, as we grow old and alone what must we feel but sadness?

S: You must not think to the future, however you need to reestablish your lifestyle if you feel like you are not living up to your potential. Happiness is not easy to retrieve but if you are virtuous and enjoy each moment, you will grow old a happy man.

P: However how am I to know that I will be able to achieve happiness before I am old and am no longer here.

S: Negativity is not a way to experience the pleasure of life. If you believe in what you are capable of accomplishing, your life will be prosperous and left without regret.

P: Regret? You mean if I do not push to my full potential I will not be happy?

S: Happiness can be achieved in many different ways however if you achieve your life goals, what more did you need from life?

Plato and Socrates

-Ryan Berman