My Digital Essay

We live in a culture that constantly bombards us with images and media that tell us who we should be and could be. Then there are those people in our lives who push their opinions on us. Some of us are so influenced by external forces that we have a hard time finding our own voices and expressing our authentic selves. Plastic surgery can be found easily in modern society, nobody is born perfectly with a perfect skin, a cute nose or perky breasts.

Every year, millions of women and men select surgical treatments to enhance, minimize, nip and tuck all manner of physical features. From face lifts and tummy tucks, breast augmentation and liposuction, to laser hair removal and Botox injections, there is a procedure out there that can repair, remove, lift and smooth just about every inch of the human body. This phenomenon shows us how physical imperfections domains upset everyone who has them, of course. And for some, they can shape poor self-image and influence their confidence levels. Even that, plastic surgery is still a medical procedure that can affect your physical well being and health. While physical beauty is something we all appreciate and strive for, but surgery is not the answer. In another hand, it’s always easy to tell who feels healthy and natural, and who doesn’t based on how they present themselves, natural beauty is no mystery. It’s easily within everyone’s grasp, and no one has to portray themselves to achieve it. Natural beauty is more about presenting oneself in a style that suits that person individually without major fuss. In collected poems of Audre Lorde, “Good Mirrors Are Not Cheap” best reflects to this phenomenon in our current social perception of beauty created by the dangerous plastic surgery to fix what’s imperfection, causing unrealistic expectations. This poem also tells us about inner confidence of ourselves. The beauty that supposed to be seen was blinded. The mirror will not tell us what we want to hear and will not show us what we want to see.

In my digital essay I will show plastic surgery is a way to improve your appearance, better body image and maybe improve your self-confidence at the same time. However, there are no 100% guarantees that you will get the results you really want. You will be so regretful if your plastic surgery has gone wrong. And the important thing about plastic is it could be harmful to your health.

*******Important Message *********

I apologize for the mistake i have made in class, regarding your final paper we only need to find at least one article or source on your writer or poem, not three. It is mentioned on the instruction paper where says “Step Two”. And again I apologize about it! Enjoy your holiday 🙂

If I Stop Listening

    I found myself laughing when i heard it the first time in class, however i liked the way how it fits to the dance, noticed that as the word repeats and the movement repeats at the same time. But still her voice was really annoy. To be honest, i didnt understand anything when i heard it in class. This morning i  tried to listen it again from YouTube, and i replayed it couple times, until my cousin came to me and said:” what was that noise, would you please stop playing that.” I told her this’s my homework, it’s a poem. She replied “I don’t care, just stop it, so annoy .” i didnt stop, after few time of replaying it, i started to get some ideas about it, she was trying to response to Picasso’s portrait of her. More interesting is that I found this way of writting is easier to understand, especially for someone like me who doesnt really like poetry. ‏

Thrilling Weekend -.=

Last Friday was the largest Single’s Day since we have defined November 11th as Single’s Day, if we were able to go back, we may be able to see 1111-11-11 as the actual largest one. Many of my friends took a snapshot of their phone screens at 11:11:11 to remember this particular second, simply for fun. Last Friday was also a national holiday- Veteran’s day and my friend’s birthday.


After knowing that my uncle left his car with my father for couple days while visiting his friend outside the state, my cousins and I decided to have dinner together before me attending my friend’s birthday party. And we decided to drive his car out secretly. Since I was the only one who knows how to drive so I took the driver’s sit, but I’m a new driver and we got lost. Not only that we also got into a little accident (I don’t want to explain the details of this accident, because it was so stupid), right mirror assembly of my uncle’s car had fly away and there were few scratches on the front door. I was so scared because one my who sits on back sit is eight months pregnant. I was afraid so I stopped driving and park my uncle’s car on the side called my friend up for help. He gave us a ride to the dinner place then went back to my uncle’s car and drove it to the dealer service department try to get it fixed but it was too late. So he parked my uncle’s car in a place near the dealer service department. He returned to the dinner place and gave us a ride home. I was running around all day long the next day try to get my uncle’s car fixed before he comes back and before my parents noticed. What an expensive experience for us, we wasted almost a thousand dollars on it.

“Best In Show”

Best in Show is directed by Christopher Guest, this movie is mainly on five dogs and their owners were prepared to join the Annual Mayflower Kennel Club Dog Show in Philadelphia. At first I thought this film was weird, Christopher Guest portrays the film in a documentary-like setting, each person’s story was told one at a time. I watched for about 20 minutes, and slightly puzzled by what was going on. Then I started to laugh and didn’t stop until the movie ended.
The actors do a brilliant job of half learnt, half improvised lines. The characters are all believable stereotypes: the yuppies, the millionaire glamour queen, the gays, the hillbilly, Mr. and Mrs. ordinary with separate pasts, and the dogs themselves are great, and probably are overlooked in most reviews. They definitely have personalities of their own, and they seem very normal compared to their handlers – much like the kids whose parents make them endure high profile talent shows. The whole movie really takes place in when they arrived in PA for the show competition. I think this movie is not really about dogs, it was something like a commentary on relationships. From the interaction between Gerry and Cookie Fleck, a middle-class couple from Florida who run into monetary problems and are forced to sleep in the hotel’s storage room when they finally arrive. The Flecks to the interplay of the two commentators at the Mayflower, it was obvious that source of the humor was really the interplay between people, not the quirkiness of dog owners. It was only more obvious because the humans tried to use the dogs as surrogate partners if they didn’t get the response that they were looking to get! I really like dogs so I enjoyed this movie, and it was really funny as well.

Who makes me smile =)

I love to YouTube Russell Peters, his comedy films make me happy. Russell Peters was born in Canada. He performs mostly made up of observational comedy where he uses humor to poke fun at the subjects of race, class and culture, often using his own life experiences as well as impersonal of different cultural accents to illustrate his act.

I love his rich facial expressions plus the way he talks and these make his jokes never get old.
Here’s one of my favor is about immigrant parents they beat their kids which I experienced back in china.

Russell Peters – Beating Your Kids

Kids Early Education

From the psychology1001 class we discussed Freud’s concept of psychological development of children, and the text talked about the motivation of children’s play. Freud’s concept of psychological development of children is based on research of adults and children not directly observed, required adults to answer the childhood importance of early experience, in order to make theoretical speculation, but sometimes these memories are fragments, or even distorted.  Freud’s theory of psychological development of children’s scientific concept of lack.
Freud believed the development five stages:


The oral stage (0-1 years);

The anal stage (1-3 years);

The Phallic Stage (4 to 5 years);

The Latency Stage (6-puberty);

The genital stage (puberty-)

The theory of education should be its central theory “, ego, superego,” the discussion Superego is the moral of the self, from early childhood experience of reward and punishment within the patterns generated, that is, the values ​​of parents, children are rewarded for certain behaviors and to promote, while others act because of the punishment been prevented.

Superego consists of two aspects of the conscience and ego ideal. One of the consciences, punishment of children is the internalization of the experience, which is responsible for moral violations make punishment. Children’s self-ideal is rewarded and internalization of the experience, it provides a moral standard.
Freud believed that the purpose of my pursuit of happiness, the pursuit of practical self-aimed; over my purpose is the pursuit of perfection.
so our key of education is to be “super-ego”.

Response to “allegory of the cave”

Plato’s Republic book seven describes the cave metaphor. It tells a group of prisoners in a cave; they had being held there for a long period of time. Their necks and legs were chained against the wall. That’s why they can only look forward. There is a low wall blocking the hole, they can see the shadows of men and animals also they can hear the voices. This will make them think what the real world looks like. At a point if a prisoner who breaks the chains and leave the cave, he will discover how the real world is like, and will criticize the past life inside the cave.
Regarding to whether or not this freed prisoner should go back to cave and tell everyone the truth. Glaucon said that’s a philosopher’s responsibility. The philosopher’s responsibility in real life is to pleasure the entire state conditions and how the make better rules. Socrates says who masters dialectics have the ability to use the most scientific method to answer questions. Young people, whom receive higher honors in the first step, will have to do good continuously because defeating will make them lose faith in justice. So the author believes that philosophers have to educate those Youngers, tirelessly until the next successor to be trained.