When launching a new site, you can select who can view your site under “Privacy.” You can also change the privacy settings after you launch your site. To change who can view your site, click Settings in the left-side menu in the Dashboard, then click Reading from the expanded menu options that appear. This will bring you to the Reading Settings area, and if you scroll down you can select a “Site Visibility” option:

- Allow search engines to index this site
Anyone can view your site without needing a password. Search engines will index all pages and posts, meaning your site will show up in search results on Google, Bing and others. Select this option for maximum public visibility. - Discourage search engines from indexing this site
Visitors do not need a password to see your site if they know the URL or are linked from elsewhere, but Google, Bing and other search engines will not index your posts and pages. Choose this option if you want to be able to show the site to people who are not registered for Blogs@Baruch, but you don’t want people to stumble upon it via search engines. - Visible only to registered users of this network
Users will need to enter a password to see the site, but it is open to all Blogs@Baruch members. Select this option if you’d like only the Baruch community to be able to see the site. - Visible only to registered users of this site
Only users added to the site (in any role) by a site administrator will be able to see the site. Select this option if you’d like only a specified group of Blogs@Baruch users to be able to see your site. - Visible only to administrators of this site
Only users added as an administrator will be able to see the site. This option will not allow any outside users or non-administrators to see your work.
Once you’ve selected the best option for you, click the blue Save Changes button.