Blogs@Baruch Help Pages

The Block Editor

Content for both pages and posts can be built using ‘blocks’. The WordPress Block Editor allows you to add text, media, and design elements to customize both pages and posts. Blocks are self-contained elements that you can use to give your content design and function. They offer you the flexibility to easily add and move material around.

When you open a page or post in the Block Editor the first Block will automatically be the post or page title.

Below that you will see: “Type/to choose a block” and a plus sign to the right.

Typing will automatically cause the block to become a text (or paragraph) block. This text can be manipulated via a mouseover menu that appears above the block or via the settings that can be opened on the right-hand side of the page.

Pop-up menu with mouseover for a text or paragraph block

Clicking on the plus sign to the right will open a block search option and a menu of basic and recently used block options allowing you to select one of the many kinds of blocks available including adding an image, a heading, a list, etc.

You can change the order of the blocks on your page or post by using the up/down arrows in the mouseover pop-up for each block. As well as the mouseover pop-up menu, each block also has its own options via the settings on the right-hand side menu.

Options in the paragraph block settings, for example, include typography, spacing, and color

You can also make use of a “Drop Cap”

Like this.

Each type of block (such as those for images) will have its own block settings with different options.

You can also add blocks from the very top of the page left-hand corner blue plus sign which will open a complete list of blocks.

This will show you all available blocks which are grouped in three sections: Text, Media, and Design. Using blocks from these various menus will allow you to add different kinds of content and many options for customizing the look of your materials.

Useful Beginning Blocks

Text blocks

  • Paragraph: For basic text
  • Headings: Not only visually create sections within a page or post, but also provide greater site accessibility.
  • Lists – allow for lists and outlines
    1. Like this one!
  • Quote: Allows you visually separate out a quote and give it a citation.

“To Be or Not to Be…”

Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1
Media Blocks

Image: Allows you to add an image by either uploading it or from your media library.

Gallery: Allows you to insert multiple images

Video: allows you to embed video files. Note that Youtube files can be automatically embedded in your page or post by pasting the address directly.

Media & Text: allows you to place material side by side (as done here.)

File types that Blogs@Baruch supports for display include:

Design Blocks

The design menu allows you to create columns, buttons, separations, spacers, and more. You can also access automatically generated blocks such as “post categories.”

More advanced design documentation will be released soon.

Note: These menu images show the default blocks available but other types can be added via request.