Django Freeman: A Man on a Horse

When Django rode into the town of Daughtry, Texas on a horse, the townspeople were horrified and couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Horses were for white people, not slaves. What was this slave doing on a horse and what else will he do? To Dr. King Schultz, Django was just a man on a horse. He doesn’t show any type of discrimination towards Django. He even asked, “What’s everybody staring at?” As for Django, riding a horse is one of the first privileges of being a free man he is able to experience.  He acknowledges the fact that the people are staring at him and that it is strange for him to be on a horse.

At this point, Django is still skeptical about the intentions of Dr. King Schultz, the man who appears out of nowhere and puts him on that horse. He isn’t used to men like Dr. King Schultz treating him as an equal. This shows how much of an influence slavery has had on both sides, leaving each side cynical of the other. To the black people, white people were all vicious and oppressive, while to the white people, black people were meant to be owned and put to work. Because of slavery, society had become very close-minded. Even something as simple as a man on a horse evoked such an extreme reaction from the town.