“We’ll give them quail prices”

This movie’s message, as the title suggests, is that with industrialization comes blood. This comes not only as a result of the still primitive technology used in the extraction of oil, but also as a result of what industrialization, or better said the prospect of great wealth, can do to people, notably bring out their bad side.

Although after having told his son he was adopted Daniel added “I took you for no other reason than I needed a sweet face to buy land”, I believe he did at one point love him like a son. However, the prospect of great wealth brought out the evil in him. If is fair to say that Daniel Plainveiw embodies capitalism. He has no regard for human life, only the profit that can benefit him. When his son is no longer of use to him, he abandons him. That being said, he does show human emotion and morality when he takes back his son.

“Mr plainview has been generous enough to make a $5000 donation to the church which we are still waiting for”.

Eli underwent a similar transformation. At first he had a good heart, dedicated to living by the book. However, his coming into contact with capitalism in its most callous form which was the oil business, his ego began to take the best of him. It didn’t take long until his personal hatred of Daniel turned him into a manipulative, self-seeking individual. Despite Daniel’s vicious and heartless actions, Eli’s denial (up until the end) as to his town selfishness, paired with his image as representative of the church, renders him no better than Daniel.

At the beginning of the movie both characters appear respectable; Daniel for adopting an orphaned baby, and Eli for being a preacher. However, over the course of the movie they become adversaries, competing over the local population’s control. It is hard to decide which character is worse, as both develop into lying, conniving, self-seeking individuals. Daniel is more violent, while Eli is more hypocritical. One message is clear, capitalism was a contributor in both men’s downfalls.