Robert G. Ingersoll, from Should the Chinese Be Excluded? (1893)

“Our Government is founded on the equality of human rights — on the idea, the sacred truth . . .Our country is an asylum for the oppressed of all nations — of all races. . .After the abolition of slavery these great truths were not only admitted, but they found expression in our Constitution and laws. Shall we now go back to barbarism? Let us retrace our steps, repeal the law and accomplish what we justly desire by civilized means. Let us treat China as we would England; and, above all, let us respect the rights of Men.”

The second industrialization or the Gilded Age created opportunities called the “American Dream”; leading to the influx of immigrants from Europe and Asia coming to the United States. The influx of foreigners provoked a rising sense of nativism.  That targeted one particular group of immigrants, the Chinese by The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and was even renewed in 1892. This shows how the sociopolitical realities of the time were ruled on racist attitudes,  bias beliefs, the ideal superior race and ethnocentric individuals.  Racial attitudes and prejudicial discrimination on blacks are now aimed towards yellow outsiders by the people and Government.  Although our country is a country created by immigrants founded on human equality. We are taking back our word and going against the foundation of the country supports by subjugating the Chinese just because they are different in culture,  “color” and appearance. But they hold the same values as what the nation and the individual represents, stated by Ingersoll, “they found expression in our Constitution and laws.” It is unnecessary law and shows how corrupt and barbaric the country is to continue with such a measure.  Ingersoll clearly explains his opposition against this law and liberty must be preserved. They are the same as all other foreigners like the English, Irish and Italians who come to the U.S. for human equality, liberty and dream. They are people, too and “above all, let us respect the rights of Men.”