This picture was taken from this website.
The picture was taken in August 28, 1963, when Martin Luther King, Jr. had his legendary “I Have a Dream” speech at the huge political rally which took place in Washington DC. The March on Washington of 1963 is regarded as one of the most definitive moments in American history, which went on to shape the Civil Rights of the people of the United States of America.
Martin Luther King, Jr. has marked an important turning point in American history. His bravery and leadership on Civil Right’s movement has enlightened the belief of freedom and equality. In my opinion, America was not a democratic country until the Civil Right’s movement.
I would also agree that it’s one of the most revolutionary and effect-lasting speech in the history of the United States. It not only initiated political movements, but I believe it gave persnal insights to so many individuals as well.
Such an important speech in American history! “I Have a Dream” is significant moment of the American Civil Rights Movement. After reading this post, I continued to read several articles about that Speech history.