Respond to the Voice of Freedom p346 “Triple Identity”

After reading this article, I had and have strong the same feelings. Puwat Chaukamnoethanok has complex cultural identity. As he says, there are two major different kinds of immigrants. One is they immigrate to a new country, because they want to get a better life; the other one is they want to create better education environment and opportunities for their children.

My father has been America for 10 years. I think he wanted to achieve both goals when he came. Although he didn’t graduate from the elementary school, he recognized totally that the education was very important for children’s future.

I had been America for one and half year. I strongly feel racism and discrimination as Puwat feeling because of our physical appearance, influent English, which I never suffered from when I was in China. Before we came to America, they always say that America is a free country, which is full of opportunities. If you work hard, you can be whatever you want to be.

I agree this opinion. When I just came to America, I was not able to talk a full sentence, I couldn’t find a job, and I failed ACT test. I felt extremely frustrated about myself and I wanted to give up, gave up what I wanted to do. But, I didn’t. I kept working hard. I didn’t have off days for myself.

      Because Puwat believes that as a immigrant, we need to work harder, and we can be successful. That’s what Puwat believes, that is also I believe.

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2 Responses to Respond to the Voice of Freedom p346 “Triple Identity”

  1. Yimei says:

    I am so happy because I find someone like me who shares the same feeling and experience. Thank you. I thought you are an ABC( American Born Chinese) because you speak excellent English. GOOD LUCK TO YOU.

  2. Yan says:

    As an immigrant, i interlink a strong feeling as you do in the response of immigration. Both of my parents came to United States a decade ago, and there were so many factors driven them to move to US. I concur with your point on education. Both of my parents share the same purposes like many other immigrants do,they came to US for a better future for themselves and for their children.

    About your attitude on learning: Life is full of fluctuations, like the old saying; failure is success’s best friend, and we will never know how many failures that Bill Gate had encountered in his past in order for him to achieve his refulgence right now.

    Look forward for your future, and maintain a positive attitude towards life.

    Good luck to you Yimei.

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