supreme court ruling segregation on public transportation unconstitutional

The single most important change between 1953 and 1960 was when the supreme  court ruled that segregation on public transportation unconstitutional.

In December 1955, Rosa Parks,a seamstress in Montgomery, Alabama,refused to give up her seat on a city bus to a white commuter got arrested. Her arrest spurred an unprecedented year long bus boycott; the Montgomery bus boycott emboldened the movement for racial justice led by a young pastor named Martin Luther King Jr. The movement aims was t0 denounce the injustice ,inequality and oppression that the colored people endured in the deep south.

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One Response to supreme court ruling segregation on public transportation unconstitutional

  1. Sora says:

    I also think it was very significant to have the supreme cout rule such a decision after the long period of racial segregation. It would have been nicer if you covered a little more information about the supreme court’s decision rather than the events that happened priorly.

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