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” Father Was Killed by a Pinkerton Man” song in my movie

“The Homestead Strike”

Now, boys, we are out on strike, you can help us if you like,

But you need not till I tell you what it’s about.

They want to lower our wages, we think it is not right;

So for union’s cause I want you all to shout.

We will sing the union’s praise while our voices we can raise,

With noble Mr. Garland at our head,

Hugh O’Donnell’s good, that’s true, we give him all the praise;

We can’t go wrong when by such men we’re led.

The struggle may be long, there’s no one yet can say,

But we’ll take it as it comes for a little while;

We will fight both night and day, for we’re bound to win the day,

And down this great steel king in grandest style.

Now let us all stand firm and take things very cool,

Then, you bet, we’re sure to win this little strike;

But if men don’t mind and start and act a fool,

That’s sure to cause no end of care and strife.

My advice to you is this, let us work with a cool head,

And try and do the best thing in our power;

We’ll have the good will of all, which will bring us back our bread,

And drive the demon Hunger from our door.

Let us unite with heart and hand and spread the news through this broad land,

We’ll not give in until the company yield,

And fight with might and main and travel hand in hand

To win this strike or die upon the field.

“The Fort that Frick Built”

Twixt Homestead and Munhall

If you’ll believe my word at all

Where once a steel works noisy roar

A thousand blessings did pour

There stands today with great pretense

Enclosed within a white washed fence

A wondrous change of great import

The mills transformed into a fort.

“Father Was Killed by the Pinkerton Men”

‘Twas in a Pennsylvania town not very long ago

Men struck against reduction of their pay

Their millionaire employer with philanthropic show

Had closed the works till starved they would obey

They fought for home and right to live where they had toiled so long

But ere the sun had set some were laid low

There’re hearts now sadly grieving by that sad and bitter wrong

God help them for it was a cruel blow.


God help them tonight in their hour of affliction

Praying for him whom they’ll ne’er see again

Hear the orphans tell their sad story

“Father was killed by the Pinkerton men.”

Ye prating politicians, who boast protection creed,

Go to Homestead and stop the orphans’ cry.

Protection for the rich man ye pander to his greed,

His workmen they are cattle and may die.

The freedom of the city in Scotland far away

‘Tis presented to the millionaire suave,

But here in Free America with protection in full sway,

His workmen get the freedom of the grave.


“Song of a Strike”

We are asking one another as we pass the time of day,

Why workingmen resort to arms to get their proper pay.

And why our labor unions they must not be recognized,

Whilst the actions of a syndicate must not be criticized.

Now the troubles down at Homestead were brought about this way,

When a grasping corporation had the audacity to say:

“You must all renounce your union and forswear your liberty

And we will give you a chance to live and die in slavery.”

Now this sturdy band of workingmen started out at the break of day,

Determination in their faces which plainly meant to say:

“No one can come and take our homes for which we have toiled so long,

No one can come and take our places—no, here’s where we belong!”

When a lot of bum detectives come without authority,

Like thieves at night when decent men were sleeping peacefully—

Can you wonder why all honest hearts with indignation burn,

And why the slimy worm that treads the earth when trod upon will turn?

When they locked out men at Homestead so they were face to face

With a lot of bum detectives and they knew it was their place

To protect their homes and families, and this was neatly done,

And the public will reward them for the victories they won.

Source: “The Homestead Strike”: The Homestead Strike Songster (New York: n.d.). Reprinted in Philip S. Foner, American Labor Songs of the Nineteenth Century (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1975), 243.

“The Fort that Frick Built”: Printed card (1892), AFL Archives, Washington, D.C. Reprinted in Philip S. Foner, American Labor Songs of the Nineteenth Century (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1975), 243.

“Father Was Killed by the Pinkerton Men”: Sigmund Spaeth, Weep Some More, My Lady (Garden City, N.Y.: 1927), 235–236. Reprinted in Phillip S. Foner, American Labor Songs of the Nineteenth Century (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1975), 244.

“Song of a Strike”: George Swetnam, “Song of a Strike,” (1892). Reprinted in Linda Schneider, “The Citizen Striker: Workers’ ideology in the Homestead Strike of 1892,” Labor History 23 (Winter 1982): 60.

I will play this song in my movie, where the laborers and workers sing this song during the strike in 1892 Homestead, PA. This strike was the bitter part of the Gilded Age History. This song was originally inspired during strike at the Andrew Carnegie Steel Works. It reminds us the harsh and violence of Gilded Age. The industrial freedom was needed in America. It is very hard to believe this nation was in need of freedom even after ” Statue of Liberty” was gifted to America in 1886.

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Gold Fever in 1898

This clip is segment of short film called " City of God " from 1950's. A gold rush is a period of feverish migration of workers into the area of dramatic discovery of gold. Major gold rushes took place in the 19th century in Australia,Canada and the United States. The gold rush started in Alaska in 1898. This is important event in history as it many of the people rich, it was like " free for all". There were also some deadly incidents occured during the gold rush. The Palm Sunday avalanche was one of the most widely reported events of the gold rush.

Posted in 1890-1900, June 29 assignment | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Bill Clinton

William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton was the 42nd President of the United States from 1993 to 2001. At 46 he was the third-youngest president. He became president at the end of the Cold War, and is known as the first baby boomer president.
He is a graduate from Yale Law School. He is married to Hillary Clinton and has daughter Chelsea Clinton.  During the administration of William Jefferson Clinton, the U.S. enjoyed more peace and economic well being than at any time in its history.
President Clinton visited India in 2000 the first U.S. leader in more than two decades to set foot in the world’s
largest democracy.
Clinton’s visit was taking place at a time of warming of relations between the two countries, and reflects the common desire of both countries to move towards a new, broad-based, forwardlooking,politically constructive and economically productive partnership. The threat of terrorism faced by both countries from the same source has added a new dimension to India-US cooperation”
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Martin Luther King shot dead- 1968

Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated. He was shot dead in southern US city of Memphis, Tennessee, where he was leading a march of sanitation workers, he was protesting for low wages and poor working conditions

James Earl Ray was convicted of his murder and was sentenced to 99 years of prison. The President Lyndon Johnson was also shocked by the death of civil rights leader. Dr. Martin Luther King was civil rights leader for black people in America in 1950’s. In 1964 he was awarded the Nobel peace prize.  His assassination led to riots in most of the US cities. His assassination led to the major change in US.

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Posted in 1960-1968, June 14 assignment, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

The Summer Olympics Games 1996

 The Summer Olympics Games are opened in Atlanta, Geogia by U.S. President Bill Clinton.  The games are positively known for the achievements of American track and field athlete Michael Johnson, who won both the 200 and 400 meter races, setting a new World Record in the 200, and for the victory of the American women’s gymnastics team. The Power of Dream, performed by Celine Dion, at Atlanta GA in Summer Olympics Games, 1996

Posted in 1989-2000, June 8 assignment, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

NYC Transit Strike 2005

This picture was taken during the 2005 NYC transit stike at ” The 45th Street R station” taken by User: Howrealisreal on 21st December,2005.  The strike started on 20th December, 2005 at 3:00am and ended on 22nd December,2005 2:35pm. Alot of New Yorkers reached their offices by walking atleast 10miles in the winter season.

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