Author Archives: Esmeralda

Posts: 6 (archived below)
Comments: 18



I thought to bring out what a Hispanic family could have gone through during the beginning of the 19th century. I feel that not only where black and whites affected by the changes that World War I brought about but it involved more then our history books tells us. The way people lived, how they were treated and the way they are remembered. History to me is not a turning point, it’s documentation of all the mistakes that we as a people have made. We have moved forward, but we still are taking baby steps.

My screenplay is completely fiction, the only accounts are those of actual world events such as World War I and the Trangle Waist Fire of 1911. Both events tie into the misery of an old woman struggle to bring up her granddaughter in world that hold no meaning for women as of yet. But the struggle goes on.QUE BONITA BANDERA

Posted in 1900-1916, 1916-1920, Final Exam Component | Tagged , , | Comments Off on THE LIFE OF DENIA SOTO

Second Impeachment In US History

On December 18, 1988 former President Bill Clinton was impeached by the House of Representative on charges of perjury, obstruction of justices and malfeasance in office which arose from the Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones lawsuit. The trial proceedings were largely partisan, with no Democratic Senators voting for conviction and only five Democratic Representatives voting to impeach. In all, 55 senators voted not guilty, and 45 voted guilty on the perjury charge. Bill Clinton also was acquitted on the obstruction of justice charge. This was the second impeachment in American History.

On February 12, 1998 the Senate came back from closed deliberations with Bill Clinton acquittal.

This picture of Bill Clinton shows a man going through one of the biggest struggles and humiliation that a public person could go through.

Posted in 1989-2000, June 21 assignment | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Second Impeachment In US History

1916-1932 The fight for freedom of speech on Glasglow Green

The history of the successful struggle to restore freedom of speech and assembly in one of Britain’s oldest parks after it was banned in 1922.     On April 13th 1916 Glasgow Corporation repealed a bye-law passed in 1896 covering the regulation of City parks and replaced it with bye-law 20, restricting the right of free assembly. The bye-law was not invoked until 1922 when it became responsible for a considerable number of riotous disturbances of the 1920s and 30s.

It toke 8 years to be heard and amendend, even then they were able to assemble outside the gates of the Greens of Joycelyn Square.

The information was located at –

Posted in 1916-1920, 1920-1932, June 28 assignment | Tagged , , | Comments Off on 1916-1932 The fight for freedom of speech on Glasglow Green


Some of us remember this amazing time when the word of Love meant so many things. To bad I wasn’t around to enjoy this crazy time and all that it brought with it.

The hippie movement started in San Francisco, california and spread across the United States, Canada, and into parts of Europe. Hippies shocked Amercians with there alternative lifestyle and radical belief.

Hippies brought out Love, Sex and of course Drugs. For a decade they lived the way they wanted and how they wanted.  It introduced Marijuana to the world, LSD made people float, and a host of other drugs. Opened up the door to new experiences and allow rock and roll to flourish. Rock and Roll was at its best. This moment changed culture as they know it in the 1960’s, it changed it for good. The world has never been the same after that.

Posted in 1960-1968, June 15 assignment | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Tianamen Square Protest 1989

I found this video on, it was submitted by taozhuo. This was a BBC new cast on what was happening at the time. The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, also known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre, June 4th Incident, leaving (according to Chinese authorities) between 400 and 800 civilians dead, and between 7,000 and 10,000 injured. An initial report from local hospitals put the number at around 2,000 dead.

The senseless killing of about 2,000 people happened that day and all they wanted to do was mourn the death of Hu Yaobang a pro-democracy and anti-corruption official. This lasted about 15 days and what is remarkable, that with all the footage taken, there is nothing to show the violence at the square itself, everything that is on print or on video where taken in surrounding streets of Tiananmen square.

To be honest this did not affect me simply because I was kid and enjoying life, but reading about it now it amazes me how evil and ill will people, government and so on truly are.

Posted in 1989-2000, Cultural History, June 8 assignment | Tagged , , , | 6 Comments

This is destroying our environment

This image was captured on June 3, 2010 on the shores of East Grand Terre Island near the coast of Louisiana.  It is a seabird covered in Oil.You can see more of our wild life and the destruction of our ecosystem at

This mistake will cost mankind it’s ecosystem, the longer this spill is not contain the more these animals and our ecosystem will suffer. What affects one part of the world will eventually affect us all.

Posted in 2001-present, June 7 assignment | Tagged , , , | 9 Comments